Blog – Standard with both sidebars

  • Newcastle Family Life Competition

    Newcastle Family Life is another great blog site with a mix of life, reviews, days out, toddler activities, recipes, giveaways, weight loss and much more. We personalised a book for little 3 year old Sophia and let mom Lindsay give her opinion on how it was received. You can read more about her review here. Lindsay is a 32...

  • Nicola Says Yes to MGN

    Nicola Says is a popular blog site featuring family, home and adventures, as well as great reviews and giveaways. We sent a copy of The Little Stork & My Given Name personalised for Nicola’s son Oscar. You can find out how she found the book in her recent review and enter one of Nicola’s great competitions. If you are...

  • Chic Geek Diary Review

    A little boy named Noah, lots of animals and a big adventure! Check out the book review from Jenna at Chic Geek Diary. We personalised a copy of The Little Stork & My Given Name for Jenna’s little boy Noah who is 2 years old. Jenna who is based in North West England has created a popular blog site and writes about a...

  • Moderatemum book review

    Another great book review from Charlene at Moderate Mum. A really interesting blog site with Charlene’s own “Mission Acceptance” series of blogs for 2016, with are definitely worth a read. So we gave Charlene a new mission to review a personalised copy of The Little Stork & My Given Name. Charlene, who lives in Brighton with her partner Graham and son Roscoe, has...

  • Lily’s Little Learners book review and competition

    We sent a book to Cassie at Lily’s Little Learners which is a popular blog site focusing on family, lifestyle and children’s learning. Cassie is also running a competition and giving away a free personalised The Little Stork & My Given Name book. Cassie is, of course, mummy to her lovely little girl Lily, who is subject of the personalised book being...
