Popular blogger Nicole from Top To Toe takes time out from her busy schedule to post a review.
I have reached my 36th week of pregnancy and boy has it been a long 36 weeks. This is my first baby and am in the final stretch of pregnancy.
For the last month my health has been up and down, I have high blood pressure and am taking beta-blockers twice a day in a bid to lower it. On top of that I have been having two sets of blood tests a week as well as BP monitoring and scans. It will all be worth it in the end.
My husband and I have been busy getting the nursery prepared, family and friends have been generous with clothes and toys for the baby.
I am a huge fan of personalised things for children and this gorgeous book, The Little Stork & My Given Name, is no exception.
My husband and I are due a little boy and we decided to call him Joshua.
The books are created around your child’s full name, gender and ethnicity and is suitable for reading ages three to eight years old but of course you can read this book to your newborn and it makes a lovely keepsake for the nursery.
The book itself is jam-packed with colourful characters and messages for the child which are connected to their names. The affirmations are full of positive messages and beliefs which the creators say will help build confidence and self esteem.
I can’t wait for Joshua to arrive, I believe reading to your child early on helps with bonding, routine and their own literacy skills. test