Read about another very special baby who received a copy of a personalised My Given Name book this week and find out what Mom had to say. Book lover, cake eater and cat enthusiast Lisa takes some time out to look at our new book for son Taylor.
“LeeLeeLoves is all about the things I love and want to share with you, whether its the latest book releases in the world of chik lit or the best product for your furry friends.”
Sample of review
As you can see Taylor has really enjoyed reading all about Bindee’s journey to Given Mountain and discovering how he got his name. He appears to be very alert when we have read the story together and looks wide eyed at the bright alluring pictures.
The book also includes illustrations of your baby, when you create your book you’re given options for the gender and skin tone that matches your baby the most. It’s not as detailed as choosing specific hair or eye colour and is more of a generic baby, but it’s another addition of personalisation that I really liked.
I particularly love the illustrations and vivid colours that can be seen throughout this book which are illustrated by Pushan Chakravarty.
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